Nominated for the BURGENLÄNDERIN AWARDS 2025


I'm absolutely thrilled to be nominated for the BURGENLÄNDERIN AWARDS 2025 in the Art & Culture category!

Every year, BURGENLÄNDERIN honors women who make an exemplary and forward-thinking impact—whether on a small or large scale.

Each category has four nominees, and the winner is determined by an online vote.

And that’s where you come in! 😎

I’d be incredibly grateful if you’d take a moment to vote for me here:


Simply scroll down to "Hier mitvoten," click on my picture, and hit "Abstimmen."

Voting is open until March 4, 2025.

Oh, and you can vote once per day 👉the more votes, the better my chances of hearing these words at the gala on March 6 at the Kulturzentrum Eisenstadt:

“The Art & Culture Award 2025 goes to… Karin Schäfer!” 🎉🥂🍾

So, here’s the plan:
✔️ Vote once – amazing! 🙏
✔️ Vote for three days – fantastic! 🙌
✔️ Vote for a whole week – incredible! 💝
✔️ Vote daily until March 4 – absolutely legendary! 🚀

I’ll keep you posted on how it all turns out... 😉

A huge THANK YOU and lots of love,
Karin ❤️

Karin Schäfer